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Recent papers on arXiv from NarangLab Members.

Recent papers on arXiv from NarangLab Members.

We are very excited to share our new work on the arXiv.

1. Plasmonics in Argentene. (link) Thank you Nick Rivera!

2. Dynamics and Spin-Valley Locking Effects in Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides. (link) Work led by Chris Ciccarino.

3. Lead-Related Quantum Emitters in Diamond. (link) In collaboration with Professor Dirk Englund’s group at MIT. Work led by Chris Ciccarino.

4. Microscopic Origins of Hydrodynamic Transport in Type-II Weyl Semimetal WP2. (link) Work led by Jenny Coulter.

5. Cavity-correlated electron-nuclear dynamics from first principles. (link) Work led by Johannes Flick.