Recent work from the group appears in a series of papers at Nature Physics (UCLA coverage). Terahertz field-induced nonlinear coupling of two magnon modes in an antiferromagnet (link) Terahertz-field-driven magnon upconversion in an antiferromagnet (link)
Prineha Narang (MS ’15, PhD ’15), U.S. science envoy for the Department of State and Howard Reiss Chair in Physical Sciences at UCLA, has been elected to Caltech’s Board as a Young Alumni Trustee. Check out the full story from Caltech here:
This week, Dr. Narang travels to Chilean Patagonia to join other experts and researchers in a discussion of physics, chemistry, and materials science. Read the article here!
Congratulations to Dr. Narang on being selected to represent the American scientific community around the world! UCLA Newsroom State Department Announcement