Selected Awards and Fellowships
Dr. Tomas Neuman
Tomáš was a postdoctoral fellow in Professor Narang’s group at Harvard University. His work in the group focuses on quantum description of light-matter and electron-phonon interaction in molecules and solid-state defects. By combining ab-initio tools with parametric models based on solution of quantum master equation, his goal is to identify and describe novel quantum phenomena with applications in molecular spectroscopy, chemistry, or quantum information technology.
Tomáš received his Ph.D. in physics of materials in 2018 under supervision of Professor Javier Aizpurua at the University of the Basque Country, Materials Physics Center, San Sebastián, Spain. In his thesis project, he studied quantum and classical descriptions of plasmon-enhanced light-matter interaction applied to plasmon-enhanced optical and infrared spectroscopy. He is currently a postdoctoral scholar at the Strasbourg Institute of Materials Physics and Chemistry.